Breaking: Obesere gifts bandmembers house, landed property

Prominient Fuji musician Abbas Akande popularly known as Obesere gifts his bandmembers house and landed property on his 60th birthday anniversary.

Mr. Sharafadeen Salawudeen was the lucky owner of the house, while other members of the band got landed property for their loyalty and dedication to the group over the years.

In addition, Salawudeen got the sum of N250,000 from one of Obesere’s fans who was present at the birthday bash held on Tuesday in Lagos.

In a brief speech, Obesere said the gesture was to encourage his boys for their unwavering support and dedication over the years.

His words; “I did this not to impress anyone but to show appreaciations to these guys. They have been wonderful and they deserve all they got as rewards.

“It is my prayer that they all make good use to the plots of land.”

Shortly before the close of the event, the Music icon handed the landed property’s documents to the new owners.

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